DK Solutions Group
Articles about addiction, intervention, recovery, support, and more.
How to Choose a Residential Addiction Treatment Center
Recognizing the need for addiction treatment is the first step in recovery. The second is knowing where to reach out for help. Depending on the severity of the addiction, you or your loved one may need residential treatment: an intense, one-on-one environment where a...
Not Sure You’re Addicted to Painkillers? Signs It’s Time to Seek Help
Painkillers are supposed to help you get through difficult injuries and recovery periods. Yet, over-prescription of them has led to a significant epidemic in the U.S. In 2017, 1.7 million people in the U.S. suffered from some level of substance abuse disorder...
Managing Social Events in Alcohol Addiction Recovery
Business meetings, family gatherings, and holidays tend to be very difficult instances for a person in alcohol addiction recovery. A friend asking you to hang out with friends at a local bar on a Friday night can feel overwhelming. Can you go? Should you go? In...
Victim Mentality and Addiction: Why Do Some People Play the Victim?
Because addiction is such a complex disease, it’s not easy to understand why someone becomes addicted. Some people blame the addicted person, assuming they can control their behavior. Sometimes the addicted person blames everyone else, assuming a victim mentality....
Addiction and FMLA: When and How to Get Medical Leave
You’re struggling with addiction. Each day, you have to plan when and how much you can use to get through the day and still make it to work on time. Your relationships are struggling. Your family is dependent on you, yet you know you need help. How can you seek out...
Intervention Planning: Do’s and Don’ts
Admitting There's A Problem Many people with a loved one struggling with a substance use problem will see interventions on television and assume they’re seeing the whole story. This is sadly not the case. Rehabilitation from any kind of addiction behavior is a messy...
Why an Interventionist Is the Right Decision: Overcoming the Fear of Getting a Loved One Help
It's a big decision to make. Yet, for many people, seeking out an intervention specialist is by far the best thing they can do to save the life of their loved one. It can be very scary to make this decision, especially if your loved one has already refused care and is...
7 Signs It’s Time for an Intervention
Waiting and Wondering For yet another night, you’re sitting by the phone wondering where your loved one is. The thoughts racing through your mind make you worried they are on the side of the road somewhere. You worry they’ll come stumbling in around 3 a.m., having...
Setting Boundaries with an Addicted Loved One
Addiction is devastating to all members of the family. If you have a loved one who is battling substance abuse, you may be overwhelmed with the demands, heartache, and frustrations. Yet, as a caregiver, you have to learn to take care of yourself as well. With...
Caring for Yourself While Loving Someone with a Substance Abuse Disorder
Addiction impacts families in a variety of ways. In every situation, it’s hard to be the caregiver watching your loved one suffer. The National Association for Children of Addiction provides a statement that you should use as a basic guideline for your own mental...